Pioneering Advances in Stomach Cancer Surgeries
Stomach cancer treatment has dramatically evolved over the years, with a multitude of advanced surgical techniques and interventions becoming accessible to patients. These procedures provide better outcomes, less invasive approaches, and expanded options for those with varying stages of disease.
In this blog, we will delve into these advanced procedures for stomach cancer treatment, from early-stage to advanced malignancies.

Endoscopic Approaches for Early Stage Stomach Cancer
Early-stage stomach cancer, also known as stage 0 cancer, is confined to the inner lining of the stomach. Traditionally, these were treated with surgery. However, advancements in endoscopic techniques now allow these cancers to be effectively treated without invasive surgery using an endoscope. Two key procedures include:
1.Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR): This procedure removes the cancer and a small margin of healthy tissue from the stomach lining
2.Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD): A more advanced procedure, ESD allows for the removal of larger tumors in a single piece, reducing the risk of recurrence.
However, not all tumors are suitable for endoscopic treatment. The following are some of the criteria for these procedures:
- The tumor must be small, typically under 2 cm in diameter.
- Biopsy results must show well-differentiated adenocarcinoma.
- There must be no lymphovascular invasion.
- The cancer must be confined to the mucosa and superficial layers of submucosa, with no deeper penetration.
Advanced Surgeries for Localized Stomach Cancer
When stomach cancer reaches a more advanced stage, spreading internally or involving neighboring organs, more comprehensive surgical interventions are required. Alongside standard open surgery, there have been significant advancements in robotic and laparoscopic surgical techniques.
1.Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery involves the use of a sophisticated robotic system, controlled by a team of skilled surgeons. This method allows for high precision and superior control, leading to fewer complications and quicker recovery times.
Key features of robotic surgery:
- Precision: Robotic arms can replicate surgeon’s hand movements with a high degree of accuracy, reducing the chance of error.
- 3D Visualization: The robot provides surgeons with a detailed, three-dimensional view of the surgical site, enhancing their ability to differentiate between healthy and cancerous tissues.
- Flexibility: Robotic arms have a greater range of motion than a human hand, which can aid in reaching difficult areas and performing complex maneuvers.
2.Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is another minimally invasive technique that employs a laparoscope—a long, flexible tube equipped with a camera and light. The surgeon performs the operation through small incisions or ‘keyholes’ in the abdomen.
Essential points about laparoscopic surgery:
- Reduced Trauma: As laparoscopic surgery requires smaller incisions, it leads to less tissue trauma, reducing postoperative pain and speeding up recovery.
- Improved Visualization: The laparoscope provides magnified images of the stomach and surrounding tissues, allowing the surgeon to perform precise dissection.
- Less Scarring: Smaller incisions mean less scarring, which is aesthetically more pleasing for patients.
The Benefits of Keyhole Surgeries
Robotic and laparoscopic surgeries, often referred to as ‘keyhole surgeries,’ have revolutionized the field of gastric cancer treatment. Key benefits of these methods include:
- Less Pain: Smaller incisions result in less postoperative pain and discomfort.
- Shorter Hospital Stay: As these procedures are less invasive, patients often have a faster recovery and shorter hospital stay.
- Quicker Return to Normal Activities: Patients usually can resume normal activities sooner than with traditional open surgery.
- Reduced Risk of Infection: Smaller wounds have less exposure to potential sources of infection, reducing the risk of postoperative complications.
- Better Cosmetic Outcome: Smaller incisions lead to minimal scarring, which is aesthetically more acceptable to patients.
When stomach cancer spreads beyond the stomach to the peritoneum (the lining of the abdomen), specialized surgeries like Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) are often used.
Alternatives to HIPEC for Advanced Cancers
When cancer isn’t suitable for HIPEC surgery, alternate advanced surgical techniques include:
- PIPAC (Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy): This technique is used for advanced stomach cancer, where chemotherapy drugs are sprayed in a pressurized aerosol form into the peritoneum during surgery.
- Intraperitoneal Port Chemotherapy: In this therapy, chemotherapy is delivered directly to the abdominal cavity through a port, allowing for a high concentration of drugs to be in direct contact with the cancer cells.
Parting Thoughts
With the continued evolution of surgical procedures for stomach cancer, patients now have more options than ever before. Each technique brings unique benefits and risks, and the choice between them should be made in close consultation with a team of experienced oncologists and surgeons.
We have seen significant advancements in stomach cancer treatment, and patients can look forward to even more advanced and effective treatments in the future. For expert guidance, consult Praveen Kammar, a leading stomach cancer doctor in Mumbai. Feel free to reach out for more information.

About Author
Dr. Praveen Kammar
Surgical Oncologist
Years Of Experience
Dr. Praveen Kammar is a Best Surgical Oncologist in Mumbai. His main area of expertise aslso includes GI oncology, Gynecological cancers, minimal access surgeries, Robotics surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, HIPEC.
Dr. Praveen has done more than 6000+ surgeries in his expertise.
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